A new bank holiday


What does a bank holiday mean for you? Is there any difference between ad bank holiday weekend and a normal weekend?

My wonderful other half is still in employment so I am aware of the bank holidays. We have never bothered with going away for these long weekend. We can’t be bothered with all the traffic.

I was talking with a few people who are all retired from work and they love a long weekend to go shopping. They find that generally the shops are quieter especially during the summer bank holidays.

The best way of knowing if there is a long weekend is to watch the signs in a supermarket. Specials on sale for “Early Spring Weeekend” to quote one store. These signs will be removed by Monday when the Valentine products will be moved nearer to entrances and tills. At the same time St Patrick Day special offers will appear. Not withstanding all that specific adverstising the Easter Eggs have already appeared and have gradually become bigger. Then Summer Bank Holidays and before we know it the masks for halloween will be on the shelves.

Who needs a calendar when one has a local supermarket?

What ever way you may clebrate or have celebrated St. Brigid’s Long Weeekend or perhaps Imbolc Weekend I hope it was all you hoped for.


The Good Front Room


I can’t decide