Egg and Vegetable Bake

Egg and Vegetable Bake 1970’s Style

680g peeled cubed potatoes

450 ml béchamal sauce or tin of vegetable sauce

14g margarine, butter

28-20g grated cheese (optional)

4 hard boiled eggs, shelled and halved.

salt and pepper to season

chopped parsley to garnish.


Preheat the oven to 190C and grease a 1.2l shallow ovenproof dish.

Cook the potatoes in boing salted water for 12-15 minutes until soft.

Drain then mash the potatoes with the butter, seasoning with salt and pepper. Mix in the grated chesses. Spread the potoes over the base of the dish.

Arranged the eggs cut side down on the potatoes.

Pour over the tinned soup or béchamal sauce and bake on the middle shelf for 35 minutes. Serve garnished with parsley.

For a more up to date version substitute sweet potatoes for potatoes., vegan cheese can be used however, I have found sheep cheese works really well.. Feel free to use tinned soup. It is a great standby.

Béchamel Sauce.



450 ml milk, plant based milk works very well

parsley stalks

1 bay leaf

1/2 teaspoon of peppercorns

20g margarine, butter, plant based spead

20g plain flour

pinch nutmeg

salt and pepper.


Place the mild, parsley stalks, bay leaf and peppercorn in a pan over a low heat and bring to scalding point. Do not let it boil over or else it will have heated too much and the mess on the hob will not be nice. Remove the pan from the heat and let the flavours infuse for about 15 minutes. Strain the milk into a juag. Clean the pan and gently melt the butter over a low heat. Now add the flour and stir it really vigorously for about a minute until it becomes a glossy paste. I use a wooden spoon for this.

Remove the pan from the heat. Change to a whisk and GRADUALLY incorporate the milk.. Really important to take your time doing this. A little milk then whisk really well. I have tried rushing it and it has ended up as this messy lumpy inedible gloup. Not one bit nice! Now taste it then add salt and pepper to your liking. Sprinkle a little nutmeg on top.

Bring the sauce back to the heat and while you are still whisking bring the sauce gradually to the boil. Immediately reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes stirring occasionally.

Béchamel sauce does take time to make and I can understand substituting it for a tin of soup. Either makes a great dish it is up to your preference.


Scones not so humble.


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