Reinvented Christmas Eve Box.

Well it all started when I received a reminder that it was 100 days until Christmas Day. Now was I going to ignore it, rant and rave that it is only Septmeber or thoroughly embrace it? What do you think?

The Christmas recipe books were brought out. I had a look at my various Christmas Pinterest Pages. I looked out some of my chrochet patterns.

Then I opened my new Christmas “To Do” journal.. Then it struck me.

This year I want something new to our family traditions. Perhpas I could add something new to the Christmas Day food? Perhaps I could add a new tradition similar to the Christmas Eve Box?

Then I remembered I was told last year that there was no need for the Christmas Eve Box and I listened. However, it just was not the same. i really felt as if I had lost something. Yes, I will admit it. I enjoy shopping for the pj’s and the books so not only did I loose out on the shopping, I also lost out on part of the christmas Eve tradition. Does it really matter? For me it does matter. So it is going to be brought back again but I think there will be a twist.


What twists? well that is the question and I don’t have the answerYET, but I am working on it. The cogs are turning……..


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