
I used to keep presents which I would never use because I loved the person who gave it to me. One of those people mentioned in passing that she never kept a present if she couldn’t use it. I was dumb struck. However, it got me thinking.

Gradually I have been removing those items which have no relevance for me but breaking the habit has been really hard.

Today I decided it was time to do a clear out on my lap top.

“It had to be much easier than making decisions on keeping physical items” I thought to myself as I started.

An hour later and I had only deleted 10 items from my down loaded file!!!!

You see, I would come across a poem or a saying and then off I would search the author or try to think where I had found it. I did came across documents which literally stopped me in my tracks.

I will give you an example.

 This really stopped me. I realised that at times it is easier to focus on the problems rather than try and find a joy.

“No more procrastinations” I said outload. “Back to the deleting.”

I steadily made my way through the first quarter of my down loaded files. Or at least it felt as if I had a quarter done. I became more definite on what I was keeping.

A coffee or two and over half the number of down loads had been deleted. Progress at last. It really flet as if a mist was lifting. More and more I am finding that I need clarity and clear space.


The 100 Day Project

