
“Difference is the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth, and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity.” — John Hume.


“Difference is the essence of humanity”. Doesn’t that just sum it all up? Can you imagine if everyone of us learnt just that first line? Can you imagine if every child learnt that line. What would happen if every time, for say thirty days, this line appeared on every social media platform? Would it be effective?

What about those last three words? “Respect for diversity” Those are three powerful words.

I was watching the Paris Olympics and thoroughly enjoying them, when it occurred to me that the Olympics comprised of a diversity of sports, and it is that very diversity which makes the whole concept work.

Where would we be without music in all its formats? Can you imagine music that was all the same. It is the diverse modes of music which enthral and speak to people. Not every loves or enjoys the same type of music, yet again it is the diversity of music which allows the development of music worldwide.Can you imagine how nature would l;ook if everey eco system was the same?

So, if the diversity of spot, dance music can be accepted why can’t diversity of humans be also accepted?


Scrap Happy


Paris Olympic Games