
Why is it either a feast or a famine with sport scheduling?

At the moment GAA Hurling and Football Championship, Le Tour de France - cycling, The Euro’s - football, Wimbledon - tennis, not forgetting Formaula 1, then to be followed in less that 30 days The Paris Olympics. The Rugby supporters are not forgotten with the Irish tour to South Africa.

This week was Le Tour and Wimbedon. I love watching Wimbedon. It has been part of my summer for decades. I have visited the hallow courts of Wimbledon but not unfortunately during the tournament.

I sat down to watch some of the matches only to realise that I didn’t even recognise some the names. How had this happened? Firstly tennis is not a sport which features in the Irish newspapers. Conor Niland was the last Irish tennis player to play in Wimbledon and that was in 2011.

Still I was determined to watch some matches. Unfortunately The BBC always show British interest especially during the first few days. It is a bit frustrating.

The Camogie on Saturday was really good. Very high skill and it looked as if Kilkenny were going to win.However, Dublin had other ideas. What a shame there were so few supporters. Kilkenny in the hurling were again defeated. This time by Clare. It really wasn’t Kilkenny’s day.

Le Tour de France had it’s first ever gravel day and it produced mayhem. Riders running their bikes up hills and over the gravel. Some Pundits beforehand were not in agreement in having a gravel stage but from a spectator’s point of view I found it great.

I hope if you are interested in sports that you enjoy your sport by taking part and / or being a spectator.




After Rain