
It has been more a question of “Where has Summer Gone to?”

Summer never arrived. NO wait aminute. We did have some days in May, two or three in June and we had one hot day last week.

With every arrival of a summer’s day hope rises for a summer at last. Plans for eating al fresco, trips to the beach are imagined, winter jumpersare pushed away again only for the grey coulds to re emerge the following day or for the rain todrench the earth once again.

Nature must really be wondering what has happened to the summers which warmed the earth and allowed for the crops to grow.

I was wondering how the kids could be enjoying Summmer with so manny rainy and cold days. I asked a friends granddaughter if she was enjoying her summer. She replied “of course. I have no school and even better no homework.”

I have enjoyed being able to have a very early cuppa with the early mornings and have enjoyed sitting comfartably in the evenings when the breeze has been warm even though the sun had been evidentt by it’s abscence.

Perhaps Summer will arrive here shortly.


Paris Olympic Games

