To Read or Not to Read, Is That Really a Question?

Books are part of my life, and I couldn’t imagine not having books. A few years ago, I would have said that it would be essential to have physical books. Now however I would not be without my Kindle.

I developed an allergy to card and paper so physical books just had to be restricted. That is when I blessed the brain behind an eBook reader and every day, I bless those brains. I also bless those engineers who made the idea a reality.

Now I really detest seeing an article or a blog with the theme of “Books You Must Read” or “Your Bucket List of Books”. Who says that one “has to” read the classics for example. Then again who determines what is a classic? As far as I am concerned it is more important to read a book you would like to read. Or perhaps read a book which entices you in after you read the blurb. Or perhaps it is the wit in the title.

So, what is the genre you enjoy reading? Perhaps there are one or two genres which you really enjoy. Then again perhaps you enjoy those books who have won major literary awards.

Do you respond to the book club suggestions on some radio shows? Are you a member of a book club? I suppose it does mean that you get to read a variety of books.

I have three main genres which I enjoy reading. Cookery books, poetry collections and cosy mystery. However, I do not like cosy mysteries which are food based!!! Weird or what? I have a few favourite authors and I make sure to get notifications on when their newest books have been published and are available on kindle.

I love to get lost in a book. To see a character, develop through a series. To see how various characters interact. I am in awe of an author who can weave a story in such a way that I have forgotten I am sitting reading a book.

“ That’s the beauty of books, they let you travel without moving your feet”. Jhumpa Lahiri, says the US author. I have to agree. I enjoy being a time traveller, a world traveller without the hassle of airport queues, ticket checks security checks.

At the moment I am rereading a cosy mystery by the Irish author and poet Geraldine Moorkens Byrne . “The Body Politic” is the first in the series. I am really enjoying this second read of it. Now this is not something I often do but I am finding clues which I had not noticed my first read.


No matter what book genre you are reading I hope you enjoy the journey it brings you on.



