Creative Art.


 Creative arts for me is when an artist uses their hands to create a piece of art.  It is not merely seeing art as painting, music,drama, literature.  For me, it is looking at crafts which are in fact works of art.I am saddened when I hear a person saying "it is only a bit of sewing" or "it was just something I put together when I had a moment" or perhaps " it is only a ...."Take for example a quilt measuring 244 cm by 205 cm or 81 inches by 96 inches.  This quilt could have been made using 2.5 inch squares or 5 inch squares to make a 10 inch or 12 inch block.  Those blocks are then joined together to make a top.  When the top is completed it is then quilted by placing it on top of batting and a backing fabric.  Finally it is bound. This whole process requires mathematics to work out the pattern and how much fabric is required.  It involves choosing colours and patterns on fabric which will meld.  Then there is the sewing.  It is a piece of art not merely "a bit of sewing".  However, how many people would be willing to spend €400 - €800 for such a work of art?How would you describe a picture made entirely of felt?  This is made using the fleece or tops from various animals.  This fleece is either dry or wet felted to make a design.  I have two friends whom I describe as felt artists.  One produces pieces of art showing landscapes and nature, while the other uses nature as her inspiration for felted jewellery.  Each of them are artists in their own right. But would you consider them as artists?How about those who work with paper creating greeting cards each of which could take 3-4 hours to make. Not withstanding those who make the paper and then manipulate it into greeting cards or bags or designs depicting nature.  Are they artists?Theses are but a few of the many various pieces of art being created daily and which to a great extent is seen as being "merely a craft".  Who has decided what is art? How do we broaden people's concepts of art?  


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