I am Excited



Oh my goodness but I do have to share. I am so excited.....I don't know if anyone lives with psoriasis which is a pesky skin condition which can be genetic or triggered by the environment and to which there is no known cure. So it is a case of managing the symptoms.What I have found very hard to deal with is the itch that is attached to psoriasis.  Especially when they occur on the face.  You can image you are talking with someone and then your nose starts itching and you suddenly turn into Samantha from Bewitched ( the TV programme for those of a certain age). Or inside the ear starts to itch and there is no way one can just start scratching and making things worse.I have found something which relieves the itch and it is made right here in Ireland. It is called Emmy's Balm and made in Lucy's Soap Kitchen in county Leitrim.  I am on a high! Oh my it is so great.  I can use this balm at any time and it really soothes the skin.Now I am just so happy to have a balm which has eased my situation. Perhaps it may be of help to you. https://www.lucyssoapkitchen.com is the web address.Now on the website there are other products among which is absolutely beautiful soap. Yes I know if one has psoriasis one is not supposed to use soap.  But sometimes I just have to break out and am I glad I did.  "Bleating Soap" just called to me.  It is unscented which is great and it is made from goats milk.  It is so soft and so gentle.  In fact it is a little piece of luxury.The other product which I have now used is a mosituriser. Oh but it is soooooo soft and gentle. It is absorbed very well even on my patchy, pesky skin and the beauty of it is that I can use it as often as I like.  The other thing I really like about it is its colour which is Avocado green!! Personally avocados and I are not soul mates.  I cannot stand eating them but in this mosituriser we are in a totally different world.  It feels so luxurious. It is also nut free, gluten-free and preservative free.Now before anyone asks "No, I have not been paid for writing this blog post." I just am on a high having found products which I can use on my skin without causing further discomfort. But, as I said before psoriasis is a pesky condition so it is wonderful to have products which are easy to use, made from natural products and the added bonus they are made here in Ireland.Now just to be perfectly clear anyone can enjoy these products.  One doesn't need to have a pesky skin condition. Anyone can enjoy these wonderful products.  I have only tried two products so far but maybe I just might try a few more.So if you would like to try something different but soothing and so good to feel on the skin why not visit www.lucyssoapkitchen.comHave a good day.  


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