Intrepid Ladies
Perhaps like me, you have for years been recycling and re-using. There is one kitchen item which I have found difficult to replace. It is "cling wrap" or "plastic wrap". I have found it so useful over the years but now I feel slightly guilty every time I use it.Years ago waxed bread paper was re-used for school sandwiches. Recently I saw waxed lunch wraps being sold for €8 each. That was a tad expensive. Then I heard about a group of women who I think have solved or helped to solve the problem. They are members of the I.C.A.Let me tell you a little bit about the I.C.A. The I.C.A. is the largest women’s association in Ireland, with almost 10,000 members and over 500 Guilds across the Country. The members cook, travel, craft and socialise! The aims of the I.C.A. are, to provide a welcoming and fun organisation which offers support, friendship, personal development, education and life long learning. They also are heavily involved in their community and voluntary projects. ( to get back to the "plastic Wrap" dilemma. When I saw the following video on a social media platform I was so delighted and wanted everyone to share in what I think is a great and practical idea. The intrepid ladies of Kilanerin I.C.A. Guild, have come up with an alternative for cling wrap or plastic wrap when it comes to food. [wpvideo ZCEe2OHN] At last something to replace the dreaded plastic wrap. The beauty of this, is that a few people can come together to purchase the items and perhaps reuse some old cotton shirts. Then have good fun while making these wraps and at the same time substituting a sustainable item instead of plastic. Definitely a "win, win" situation.Perhaps this is something which you may try? If you do please let me know how you get on with it.Ladies of Kilanerin I.C.A. Guild a big thank you.