Media Free

Do you like your news fix? Are you like me with a newspaper delivered every morning? Or perhaps it is news apps? Perhaps it is Tv News?


I have noticed more and more that media has become so speculative that it has driven me a little irate. When I see “A source close to…” I immediately think of speculation.

We are currently in a very restrictive lockdown which has been hard on people both young and old. However, what I find infuriating is in the weeks leading up to an official government announcement there is a media frenzy of speculation. All this does is increase peoples anxiety. Why oh why can the media not wait and then give the facts.

It has driven me to distraction and annoyed me so much that I have instigated for myself “Media Free Day”. Oh my goodness but it is so liberating. Just one small change can make such a difference. Perhaps I will extend the number of days?

I have also realised that I need to disengage from speculating myself as to what is going to happen when conversing with others. Again it just leads to getting totally frustrated. I have no control over how or when restrictions will be lifted and no amount of speculation will give me answers.

Perhaps it should be a Speculation Free Day?




International Poetry Day 2021