
Easter colours.


I was very fortunate to receive some flowers yesterday with “the colours of Easter in flowers” describing them.

Yesterday morning I visited Kilruddery Gardens. It was the first day the gardens had been reopened. It was such a joyful experience. There were grey clouds. The dew was still on the grass. It was a cold morning.

Then magic happened. Rounding the corner of the garden entrance was a canopy of magnolia blossoms. It was such a joy to see. Underneath some of the trees were were small thyme plants. The scent from the magnolia on a grey morning just lifted the spirits.

Walking around the garden in what has become an oasis for the spirit, there were bursts of colour. Beautiful daffodils of every shade of yellow. Swathes of primroses some beneath the trees just beginning to come into bud. Others in the copses cocooned by the evergreen trees.

Yes there are Easter colours every where to be seen. the spring plants and flours seem to peak just as Easter arrives.

The hyacinths take over from the daffodils. It is as if mother nature has a plan to say Easter is here. Take a breath., stop and literally smell those flowers. Listen to the birds and chicks. See the changing colours. Have you seen the magnolia trees coming into bud? They give a glimpse of what is to come.


Now, if you are like me, a townie who likes concrete, the colours of Easter can really give you a lift. Suburbia is awash with the vibe of those Easter colours. Take a look around and see some beauty.

Enjoy the colours of Easter.




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