A New Mantra

Do you find it amazing how you will come across a phrase in a book, in a magazine or perhaps shared with you virtually and it resonates with you? A few words which just lifts your heart your shoulders and eases that stress in the neck?

Well, that is how I felt when I received this saying today:

 “Always make decisions which prioritise your inner peace.”

When was the last time that your inner peace was prioritized? Since our country has opened up, I have found that I have been feeling that I should be accepting invitations. Whether it is for a coffee, lunch or bigger occasions.

This is just reverting back to where I was pre Covid. Dreading these invitations, accepting them, and usually hating nearly every moment of these occasions. This would be especially true for the large social occasion where I would know a handful of people but would probably be seated with strangers. These social occasions were not social for me . They were nightmares with stress before during and lingering after. There would be both a physical and mental toll to attending these events.

Do I need to revisit this distress? “Always make decisions which prioritise your inner peace”. I think I have the answer.


A Simple Yes or No


National Read a Book Day