National Read a Book Day
Friday February 25th was Irish National read a Book Day.
I honestly cannot imagine a day when I would not have read. Books, notebooks and pens are part of me. If you see me, I will certainly have at least two of them with me.
Reading is part of my being. Books are treasures just waiting to be opened. Now I do not read everything and anything. I never believed that there were books which had to be read. I did not agree that if one had not read the classics, one couldn’t be a reader.
What a load of nonsense. if a book can entice you into another world while you are firmly based in this world then that book is a classic in my eyes.
Someone recently said to me that reading from a kindle was not really reading!!! I was so gobsmacked that before I could actually assimilate the conversation had moved on. As someone who cannot physically hold a book the kindle has been a total lifeline for me.
I would not be reading except for my kindle.
So, what I really want to say is this. If you have been given the gift of reading, in whatever format that takes, celebrate it. It is a precious gift.