A Web Page


I am on a bit of a high. Just so loving how my web page is looking. I am finally able to post blogs and individuals can sign up to receive new posts. You have no idea just how difficult that was to achieve. Last July I thought it was up and running but it didn’t happen.

There were so many glitches. I am so lucky to have two people in my life who enjoy “finding out how to” overcome issues especially technical issues of a computer nature. So a big huge thank you to my husband who initially solved some of those glitches and my son who solved the remaining ones.

Now, with a site which actually works I can get back to writing and blogging. I had forgotten just how good it feels to share a post.

So, Paperpenanmug is now in three parts.

Mug this is where I hope to post recipes I love and share these recipes. The recipes have evolved over the years but some are still evolving.

Pen This is looking at the social history of a recipe. I love to hear how recipes evolved. Let’s face it the basics of most recipes can be found anywhere in the world. It is how they have changed to suit the ingredients of a particular place or the needs of people which I find fascinating.

Paper is what I call my scribblings or musings and this covers a multitude. However, as I am never far from a pen or paper I am always scribbling away. So this part could literally cover any subject.(Now that I think about it those mugs are never far away either.)

So, wishing you a lovely week and I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog paperpanandmug.


The Lit Candle


Kitchen Sink Soup