Kitchen Sink Soup



300g Root Vegetables

100g Potatoes

200g Courgettes, Peppers (also known as sweet pepper or capsicum) mixed together

Perhaps you have some celery which you like then throw it in the pot.

Leaves from 6 good sprigs of thyme.

A good bunch of parsley chopped.

Beef Stock 600ml or Vegetable Stock

2 teaspoons smoked paprika.

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of tomato paste or puree.


Chop all the root vegetables into small pieces together with the potato.

Slice the courgettes and peppers.

Add all the root vegetables to a large sauce pan or pot with a lid.

Add the beef stock. If you don’t have beef stock then use a commercial beef cube.

Bring the pot to a boil and reduce immediately to a gentle simmer. After 5 mins of simmering add the paprika, thyme, salt and tomato puree.

After a further 10 minutes add peppers and courgettes together with celery if using.

Simmer until the root vegetable are soft

Strain the vegetables keeping the liquid. Blend/liquidise/puree the vegetables. Return to saucepan and gradually add the reserved liquid.and parsley.

Return to heat for a further 5minutes.


Note This soup freezes very well.. Use any vegetables you like but make sure to use at least 100g potatoes in order to thicken the soup naturally.


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