
Are you a cyclist? Were you a cyclist?

I was a cyclist. It was a cheap mode of transport. However, I have not riden in towns in decades. I have cycled some cycle paths but I prefer shanks mare. Perhaps though this year I might venture a cycle along the canal way or along some of the numerous railway lines which have been turned into cyle and walking ways.

John Kemp Starley is creditied with inventing the first “safe” bicycle in 1885. It had a chain and two wheels of equal size and is the forerunner of the modern bicycle.

Even though I haven’t cycled in years it has not turned me off following Le Tour de France, La Vuelta or Giro d’Italia. My biggest problem with following these races is my inability to remeber names. It is very irritating for those watching it with me especially asking for the umpteemth time “who was that guy in the blue jeersey who rode aaway in the break?” That break probably had eight riders with at least four of them having blue jerseys of some sort. Very exasperating.

These races though really show the country where they are held. The tv shots are amazing especially those taken from the helicopters along in accesible coasts or high up those mountain ranges.

Then there are the commentators. There are those who are there purely for the actual cycling, with the technical information. There are those who contribute to the culture of each of the regions as the race goes through. The banter between these commentators can really enliven the whole experience.

What amazes me the most is the nountain stages. This year in Le Tour de France the riders will climb Col de Vars which is 2109m high (6920feet). that is some elevation.

Now you may be wondering why I am writing about cycling. Well, June 3rd has been listed by the United Nations as World Bike Day. So perhaps we can all look put for each other while using the road and footpaths not just on the 3rd but throughout the year.


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