International Day Of Parenting

During the 1980’s the United Nations began to highlight the importance of the role of parents.

The role of a parent is one of the most important roles in person’s life, but it comes without training. There is that assumption firstly that anyone can become a parent, secondly that everyone wants to become a parent and thirdly that being a parent is easy.

It is the most difficult, enjoyable, frustrating, job or role that a human being can become. It is frightening, challenging, overwhelming but above all, it is a privilege.

So, to all those parents who are constantly trying to be the best parents they can be and who keep changing as their role as a parent changes. Celebrate your achievements. Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back. don’t look for the negative instead look for all those positives and celebrate.

June 1st is International Parent Day. Perhaps on June 1st if you are a parent, raise a glass make a cuppa and celebrate the joys you have experienced as a parent.




Letter writing.