Yesterday a number of large bags of fabric were collected. That fabric which I loved but couldn’t use will be made into exquisite quilts to be distributed to various charities.

This morning though I went into my room and for some reason I felt sad seeing three large empty shelves. Now, that is totally weird. Really, feeling sad over fabric.

Now, I need to explain. I love fabric. I am in awe of the the designers who have produced a piece of fabric which draws me in. The design of a piece of fabric is the basis for choosing. If it has food, cooking equipment I am hooked. On the other hand if it has unusual colours thrown together that will also draw my eye. However, what happens then is that I don’t want to cut up the design to make a quilt block so the fabric stash grows and grows and grows.

So, for the moment the shelves are going to remain empty even though nature abhors a vacuum!




Nearly There