Christmas Carols or Poems

I recently asked a few fellow bloggers what their favourite Christmas poetry or songs were. What really struck me was that I would have known as a Christmas Carol they knew as a poem or song. These carols were not just for a church but were part of their Christmas tradition.

The traditional Christmas Carol can be traced back to the 14th century but the origins of " midwinter” songs goes back even further.

With the spread of Christianilty came the spread of Christian music including Christmas Carols which became very popular because of their simplicity.

My favourite carol has always been Adeste Fideles. I learnt it using latin. Although the Irish Catholic Hierarchy had introduced masses in Englaish and Irish on March 7th 1965, the use of Latin lyrics in church music was still used until the mid 70’s. So for me, “Adeste Fideles” in Latin heralds Christmas.

What is your favourite carol?

Whichever one it is, I hope it brings you joy.

Nollaig faoi mhaise agus blian nua faoi shéan.

1 . Adeste Fideles laeti triumphantes,
Veníte, veníte in Bethlehem.
Natum vidéte, Regem Angelorum:

Veníte adoremus,
Veníte adoremus
Veníte adoremus Dóminum

2. Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine,
gestant puellae viscera
Deum verum, genitum non factum:

Veníte adoremus,
Veníte adoremus
Veníte adoremus Dóminum


In Between Time


Scrap Happy