
Hallowe’en, the eve before All Hallows or All saints in the Western Christian calendar. .

Know to the Celts as Samhain. It was the time when the souls of those who had died during the year journeyed to the other world. Bonfires were lit to aid the souls on their journey. Fairy’s and goblins were said to abound at the witching hour. The ancient Romans  had the celebration of Feralia, celebrating their dead.

November 1st was seen as the start of winter. It was the date traditionally that land tenure was renewed, and animals were moved to lower pasture.

The traditions of Halloween, together with other customs, were brought by immigrants to their new homes and new countries. It is thought that the tradition of carving pumpkin’s in USA, which has now become part of Halloween in so many countries, originated with the Irish immigrants. In Ireland turnips were carved and a candle lit but turnips were not plentiful in the USA. So, the immigrants improvised and carved pumpkins instead.

Halloween has now become associated with trick or treating which is believed to have derived from the British tradition which permitted beggars to beg for money on the 31st October. Scary characters such as witches and goblins have also become characters associated with Halloween.

For some Halloween is a time for lighting candles, sitting with a warm drink and sheltering underneath a warm blanket looking at scary movies.

Whatever way you celebrate enjoy the occasion.


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