International Give a Book Day

February 14th everyone knows is St. Valentine’s Day. Whether you celebrate it , whether you ignore it or whether you have turned it into the celebration of friendships I think I would be correct in saying that most people have heard of the day.

However, did you know it was also International Book Giving Day. Now I love books and when I saw this I was intrigued.

14th February is about getting books into the hands of as many children as possible on 14th February #bookgivingday”

The idea of getting books to kids who do not have access to owning a book. It started in 2012.

I think the idea is just brilliant. The idea of leaving a book where a child can pick it up and keep it is just wonderful. Perhaps througha women’s group, perhaps through various local groups a book could get into the hands of a child where they can escape.

Anyone who reads knows about the magic of books. How we can be transported to another country another coulture. How we can escape our world and enter another. How the imagination can be triggered through a book. How a book can get right into our core.

So perhaps you might think about donating a book?


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