That Elusive Recipe

The books have been taken down. The lists are being prepared. It is that time of year.

It is the time for making the lists of Christmas Baking  Ingredients. I just love to make my way through the Christmas recipe Books I have. These are the only physical books I read and this year I am taking my time and savouring each and every recipe.

In actual fact because of not wanting a flare up of my skin allergy I am taking my time and it is proving to be so much more enjoyable. Some of the books are stained where glops of ingredients fell over the years while recipes were being followed.

Delia Smyth, the cookery writer, once said that she really enjoys signing a book which has been well thumbed. All I can say is that “ Delia Smyth’s Christmas” has been well and truly used and she would definitely enjoy signing the book considering how used it looks. Then again with the times we are living in it would not be approved of.

I found among my Christmas Recipe Books a book by Martha Day entitled “The Complete Christmas Cookbook” and it has been a find. I think I may have found one or two new recipes to try this year. Although an author from USA the book has a very traditional feel to it.

I am on the look out for a cake for Christmas and not the traditional Christmas cake. I still have not found one although I have been searching for ages. In fact, the search is ongoing.

Do you have a favourite Christmas Cake recipe? Do you look forward to making it? Is it a traditional cake or have you perhaps, devised your own recipe? Have you found a cake that spells Christmas for you? If you do, I would love to hear about it.


Imperfection or Beauty?


Granny Chic