National Biscuit Day


May 29th is International Biscuit Day

So what is your favourite biscuit?

I was trying to think what my favourite biscuit was. I do like a gingernut biscuit which I can dunk into a cuppa especially on a cold January day.

Then again I do like a cracker with some nut butter or perhaps a water biscuit. Sometimes it is a savoury biscuit I crave.

However, I think my all time favourite biscuit is lemon shortbread. There is something very comforting about it even if the recipe has changed over the years. Non dairy spread instead of butter and the lemon zest increased to compensate. Now I couldn’t really imagine my lemon shortbread any other way.

As a result of not being able to eat dairy I now see these biscuits as a treat. Blending the ingredients together. Zesting the lemon with sometimes a touch of manderin zest just puts me in a good mood.

Then of course the cook’s rule has to be included. Always an odd number of biscuits so the cook has a biscuit straight out of the oven before any other tasters come along.

So what is your favourite biscuit?




International Tea Day.