I feel I need to add a little addendum to last week’s post.
It is very handy to remember to actually post that card or letter. I was in a very anti social humour today so I did a little clear out. There was a ciséan, a lovley square basket where I keep greeting cards for various occassions.
It was good fun going through them until I found a few unused envelopes. I decided just to check the none had got crumpled. None had. However, I did find two letters among thies envelopes. As neither were stamped I opened them. One was dated 23rd September 2023 and the other was dated 5th July 2024. Both were written to the same person and only recently I had been wondering how this person was.
So I wrote another letter and enclosed the other two envelopes. Tomorrow after a visit to the dentist which I am not looking forward to I will post a rather plumper envelope to my friend. I know she will have a good laugh about my forgetfullness. Oh by the way this is not something new. I have always been very forgetful when it comes to posting letters or cards.