
I writing this post and the rain is dancing on the roof above me.

Have you noticed how different the rain can sound? There is a definite rhythm to it this morning.

I brought my early cuppa outside and stood watching the rain fall and found a droplet of rain in a spring flower. It was picture perfect.

the rain seemed to be dancing as it hit the garden table. At times I could actually see it bounce off the table. There was a different smell to the air. It was definitley cold but at the same time fresh.

Now I am quite happy to see the rain and thinakful that it isn’t freezing snow which some of the country is experiencing,

Perhaps the next time you see rain “Listen to the puring rain, listen to it pour” as the lyrics to the song Rain by Jose Feliciano remind us. A few minutes of creativity?


Scrap Wednesday


The Hundred Day Project