That Inner Voice

The plans have been arranged and everyone seems happy. Then 2am in the morning and the inner voice starts asking questions. Should X have been invited? Will they be upset? Should Y have also been invited? That is the end of sleep. By the time you arrive for the gathering you are exhausted. The Result? A total disaster.

You have decided to make that blanket with that pattern that you have wanted to try out. You find you are actually enjoying the whole procedure. It is nearly finished, and you look at it. The inner voice starts. Do those colours really go together? That is not good enough to give as a present. That is not good enough to even use as a throw on a cold winter’s evening. The Result? What had been an enjoyable process has turned into a failure.

Why do we give The Inner Voice so much credence? Why does the Inner Voice become that negative voice which destroys the joy of meeting with friends, of completing a hand made item, of destroying the joy? Why do we let it?

 At this point I should be asking “Why do I let it”? Sometimes it ie easier to fall into the pattern of listening to that inner negative voice because it is something I have listened to all my life so when I don’t allow it to talk what happens?

I actively stopped the inner voice for months and I found that although I was going through difficult times and decisions. I was able to deal with those situations and take on new situations with joy. That is the difference. That inner Voice takes away the joy. Life is difficult enough without giving permission to something negative.

We all need joy in our lives, I need and want joy in my life so it now time to close the door on my “Inner Voice” and allow the joy to remain in my life.

Let the joy in.

Have a wonderful week.


After Rain


Summer Solstice