UFO’s have you seen any? Are you aware of them?

Oh perhaps I need to be clear. UFO stands for “Unfinished Object”. In the crafting world it would refer to all those projects which have been started but not completed. It can refer to all those stories which have never been finished. Or perhaps those blog posts which were started but needed more research and now reside in unpublished format.

A few weeks ago I had to move out of my craft room to faciitate roof repairs. The flat roof had started to spring leaks after a few days of constant rain. All the fabrics had to be moved. It was only then that I realised how many projects I had started but had not finished.

This morning I caught up with emails and there was amention about unfinished projects under “monthly tips” in an email from Threadbare Creations”. It was a reminder that there was a spark of joy to have started the project and by checking those UFOS on a regular basis you can reignite that joy and complete the ufo.


Hmmm looking at by bundle of UFOS I think it will take at least a solid month to see one project finished. Perhaps refolding these projects will help but somehow I don’t think it is going to be that easy.

One of my fellow quilt retreaters would not be impressed to see this photo. Am I impressed? Not really. So what did I do? Looked at some odd pieces of green fabric and wondered what I could make out of them. Mmmm a fabric box for my ongoing crochet?


Lockdown walk

