
This morning proved to be a beautiful winter’s morning. Do you know those special mornings with neither rain nor wind and the sky gradually opening up to show off its winter blue? It was just a magical start to the day.

A visit to our local butcher where there was great banter. They are providing such a brilliant service during this time and I am not only talking about their retail service. It is the conversation they have with each and every customer. That conversation is so important and it is a lifeline to so many.

Then onto the greengrocer. This shop is veritable haven of wonderful aromas from the fresh fruit and veg. Then there are the spices and the array of nuts together with the smell of fresh sour dough bread. This is another oasis for the senses. Still working within the lockdown regulations it is just a delight to visit. Then the icing on the cake, there is yet another opportunity for a real live conversation.

So my thanks to those retail outlets who not only provide the essential food items, products, for sale but who also help with the mental health of the community.

A simple conversation is priceless.


Senses Aroused.


Christmas Rocky Road Biscuits.