An Ispiration

Do you ever hear or read a phrase which seems to resonate with you maybe a day or two later.

Well that is exactly what has happened to me.

Just a few days ago Ireland won its first Gold Paraympic Medal or should I say Ellen Keane won the medal as she represented Ireland. Did you see her interview afterwards? Abolutley brilliant.

She talked about having been unable to move her time for such a long time but that she never gave up. She talked about how all of us can be stuck but we can tweek something and get the movement again. However like Ellen Keane to keep persevering and the movement will come. She also spoke of having a team around her.

It was during the wee hours of the morning that Ellen Keane’s words came back to me.

I realised that although I maybe in my 60’s that I do not have to give up on my goals and dreams. Perhaps I need to look on them in another light. Or perhaps I need to ask others how to achieve those goals. It is never too late.

If Ellen Keane can win a Paralympic Gold Medal in Tokyo after first competing in Beijing Paralympics then anyone can achieve their goals.


A Mini Skirt? Really?


Bang, Splat, Mess