Scrap Happy Day September

I love the title “Scrap Happy.” That is me. I just love using up scraps. I have been following a number of bloggers who like me like to use scraps. These bloggers dome together on the 15th of the month to show /tell about their scrapping. This is my first “Scrap Happy Blog Post”. At the bottom of this post you will find links to these great blogs. So hop over and have a gander. They will be delighted to welcome you.

Last week I decided to start making a list of ingredients for “The Christmas Baking”. Too early? Not at all. Firstly, my Christmas Baking needs to mature. Secondly, the cost of energy is going up again next month. Thirdly, it was a good time to clear out the baking cupboard. Fourthly and most importantly, I love Christmas baking.

Generally, my baking shelves are in good shape but a clear out would not go amiss. All in all I was left with very few baking scraps.On the counter there was I had gathered the following:

approximately ¼ kilo of spelt flour, 

a handful of walnuts, 

8 glacé cherries, 

some dark brown sugar, 

a few dark dried outTurkish sultanas at the bottom of a brown paper bag

2 cinnamon sticks

A near empty carton of mixed spice.

3 Hibiscus tea bags.

Now I know that baking is a science requiring exact measurements but there are times when “that looks right” system will work. It worked really well for this but I did take note of the weights and measurements before starting…. I am learning from past experience.  I won't remember  in a few days time!!!!

Our household does not like the traditional Christmas cake which is baked early and few for weeks with whiskey. I still haven’t found a recipe we all like. However every year I try to find a Christmas cake which we might eat. This year I am making Christmas Brack and it will be ideal for Nollaig na mBan or Women’s Christmas. 

This recipe is made from items I had left over. If you have different dried fruit please substitute them or if you prefer other dried fruit.

If you don’t have golden syrup you could substitute maple syrup or even apple syrup.

Any tea bags can be used.

If using butter instead of margarine please reduce flour by 25g.

No brown sugar? Substitute with caster sugar.

Scrappy Christmas Tea Brack

3 tea bags soaked in 350 mls hot water. (that's what my tea pot holds!!)

100g sultanas or any dried fruit you have lying around.

8 glacé cherries

110g soft dark brown sugar

110g margarine

255g plain flour or spelt flour

1½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon of mixed spice or cinnamon

1 tablespoon of Golden Syrup

25g nuts if using


Heat the oven to 170∘C

Line a 2lb/900g loaf tin

Make up the tea and allow it to seep for about 5 minutes, then remove tea bags.

In a saucepan place margarine, sugar, heat gently until sugar is melted. 

Add the tea followed by the golden syrup

Next add the dried fruit and nuts.

Allow to soak until the mixture is really cool but not cold.

Sieve the flour, spices and bicarbonate of soda together into the fruit mixture.

Gently make sure all the flour has been incorporated.

Bake for 50-60 minutes. (I check it with a skewer at 50 minutes)

This can be eaten the same day. It can be eaten after two days with butter. However my favourite is to eat it toasted after about 5 days…….it even tastes better if itis wet and cold outside.


I still have gremlins in my comment box!!!! Apologies.


Nearly There


Where to Recycle and Reuse?