Things to be Done
At this time of the year there always seems to be a million and one things to do. However, I am not in the humour for doing them. It is not so much that there are workemn in the house but more that I actually haven’t got the inclination to complete or even start the various differnt jobs.
Now I kow I could divide each job into chores and tick each off as I go but ihaven’t got the inclination to even do that.
Start a list or not
Has this got me down? Devil a bit. There is enough pressure in this world of ours without adding to the pressure ourselves. I know this is a first world dielemma. If your world is litteraly falling down around you then stupid lists are exactly that just stupid.
Reading anewspaper, reading the world news online or listening to the news on the radio every hour is nothing short of overwhelming. There is the feeling of total uselessness of being totally unable to help so many who need help. At times it becomes just too much. Sometimes we need to be able to decide to do or not do the minute of a trivial list because it gives us back that feeling of control. Or even choosing not to do that list of things is giving us control over our choices.
I know that I will get the listt completed but perhaps this is not the day to do it. this feeling of not wanting to do it is perhaps telling me that there is something else to do that is as important. Perhaps it is to write. Perhaps it is to go out, even though the day is grey, and move. Say hello to someone. Perhaps today needs to be the day not to “have to”.