Are you a poet?

In an article for “Thoughts for Budding Poets” Liz Cowley says and I quote “…poetry shouldn’t be like medicine – hard to swallow but good for you”.    I totally agree.Liz Cowley is one of my favourite poets Her work is so accessible.   She can make the most mundane seem important.   That together with the laughter which mingles with the often-tough topics of everyday living is what makes reading her poetry so enjoyable.Liz Cowley opens the article “Thoughts for Budding Poets” by suggesting that many people are poets but are afraid that that we would be embarrassed by our ramblings/ scribblings.  That those scribblings would not be good enough.  Perhaps she is correct and that there is a poet in all of us just waiting to get out. Why Put Off Things  Why delay? Why put them off –the things we could have done before?Why is it that we hesitateand what is it we’re waiting for? Why don’t we do things sooner?Why do we often hesitateuntil the day it’s much later,it’s suddenly become too late? Taken from the book “And Guess Who He Was With” by Liz Cowley


Pebbles On A Beach


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