It is lost
Today is National Handwriting Day in some countries.I love journaling but enjoy it all the more using a fountain pen. Yes, the old fashioned way

Gladden the Heart
I remember when I was quite young I heard the expression “to gladden the heart”. It was years before I actually understood what it meant.

Are you a poet?
In an article for www.writing.ie “Thoughts for Budding Poets” Liz Cowley says and I quote “…poetry shouldn’t be like medicine – hard to swallow but good for you”.
Stir Up Sunday
Over many years we have been fortunate to have celebrated “making the Christmas Pudding” with our son and various nieces and nephews.

A Child's Poem? Or Maybe Not
Surprise The biggest surprise on the library shelves when you suddenly find yourself inside a book

One of Life's Pleasures
A mug of coffee or tea and a good book are not just life’s pleasures but a necessity. I don’t think I could survive without a book.